The first certification, BRC - British Retail Consortium, demonstrates the company's level of competence in hygiene, food safety and quality systems while also guaranteeing KAFFA's commitment to consumer safety. The second, UTZ, is a worldwide certification that proves the practice of standards that ensure responsible agricultural production and sourcing of coffee, cocoa, and tea.
The two certifications now obtained join those previously awarded by Sativa, for organic coffee production, by APCER, ISO 9001 (quality management system), and by IFS Food - International Food Standard, for its food safety.
"The certifications that KAFFA has been obtaining are the result of excellent teamwork that we develop daily in the company" says Gabriela Madeira, Kaffa's General Manager, adding "we are very aware that innovation and modernization are key factors in the success of our company, which is why we invest around 500,000 euros annually in R&D and have a team that carries out daily quality control analyses and countless tests in the laboratory for the development of new products".
Madalena Moniz Pereira, Kaffa's Commercial and Marketing Director also points out "these certifications are very important for projecting the company and the Kaffa brand beyond borders. The guarantee of quality required by international markets is unequivocal in the products produced by Kaffa."